Selective collection: landlords do not want to pay for the negligence of tenants


Lack of space, stenches, proliferation of vermin and especially fear of being fined instead of tenants (collection hours, trays content) explain why a majority of owners are in disagreement with the mandatory collection of organic matter.

Selective collection: landlords do not want to pay for the negligence of tenants

According to a survey conducted by CORPIQ, 52% of respondents felt that the project would pose particular problems in their rental properties.

Regarding the implementation of collection of organic waste (green and table wastes), will adding the additional brown bin pose (or not) particular problems in your rental properties?

Yes 52,9%
No 39,2%
No opinion  7,9%

Most importantly, the Montreal Metropolitan Community is trying to mandate the implementation of brown bin collection in its 82 municipalities by 2020.

  • Document: Selective collection: landlords do not want to pay for the negligence of tenants

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