Almost 10 years of commitment for the future of young people: support the Projet CLÉ


CORPIQ appeals for donations to support young people leaving youth centers. For nearly a decade, Projet CLÉ, a joint initiative of CORPIQ and the Fondation du Centre jeunesse de la Montérégie, has provided support to hundreds of young people leaving youth centers at the age of 18. This assistance takes the form of full support, including housing, food, tuition fees and personalized mentoring.

Almost 10 years of commitment for the future of young people: support the Projet CLÉ

An ever-growing need

Young people who have grown up in youth centers often face major challenges when they reach adulthood. The cost of living continues to rise, making access to housing and higher education increasingly difficult. In 2024, a university year will cost an average of $7,000, while the price of a week's groceries has risen by 21.6% since 2021. These costs are not negligible and remain major obstacles for those wishing to continue their studies while beginning their life in an apartment.

A call for solidarity

This year, CORPIQ is once again organizing a virtual auction to promote the importance of this cause. The virtual auction will take place from September 12 to 26, 2024. All proceeds will be donated to the Projet CLÉ.

A lasting impact

Thanks to the generosity of its donors, the Projet CLÉ has already enabled numerous beneficiaries to pursue their studies, obtain stable employment and become young adults under the best possible conditions. Since the launch of this initiative, CORPIQ has donated over $260,000 to the foundation.

How to contribute :

  • Take part in the virtual auction: bid on the various lots.
  • Make a donation: make a donation of your choice on the virtual auction site.
  • Send a cheque: send a cheque payable to CORPIQ, in the amount of your choice.

*All donations received will be dedicated to the Projet CLÉ, and a tax receipt will be issued for each donation.

Be part of their story and get involved!

Every contribution, whatever the size, has a significant impact on the lives of these young people.


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