Actions taken in response to the increase in the capital gains tax inclusion rate


Since the federal government's announcement on April 16, followed by the Quebec government's harmonization announcement a few days later, CORPIQ has been actively defending your interests. We believe that this measure, which we consider unjustified and unfair, could have serious repercussions for middle-class rental owners, whose income property is an essential part of their retirement plan.

Actions taken in response to the increase in the capital gains tax inclusion rate

With this in mind, we've been working hard to advance our causes and raise awareness among political decision-makers. As a first step, we encouraged our community to contact their deputies directly. At the same time, we launched a petition that has garnered massive support, with almost 29,000 signatures to date, demonstrating the scope of our movement.

Our actions were not limited to online mobilization. We also took concrete action by sending letters signed by our president, Éric Sansoucy, to the provincial and federal finance ministers. These were followed by meetings with the respective ministerial teams, enabling us to discuss our concerns in depth.

At the same time, we sought to broaden our field of action by contacting opposition parties at provincial and federal levels. These exchanges provided an opportunity to share our ideas and proposals with a wider range of political stakeholders. In recognition of the importance of unity in our efforts, we also established strategic alliances with other groups sharing our concerns, strengthening our impact and our ability to move the lines.

Finally, to bring our message to a wider audience, we published an open letter in La Presse, highlighting our demands and recommendations. These actions testify to our determination to advance this cause.

The ministerial teams are listening, but there's still a lot of work to be done to obtain concrete changes. To this end, we ask you to remain mobilized by circulating the petition and raising awareness among your deputies through calls and e-mails. We thank you for your efforts; the strength of our group will make the difference.

Sign the petition

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