Wifiplex: technology for smart multi-unit housing

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Of all the improvements that can be made to rental properties, the integration of Wifiplex technologies offers the best and most effective return on investment.

Wifiplex: technology for smart multi-unit housing

By Corinne Laberge.

Thanks to its independent internet network specially formulated for multi-dwellings, its security camera and Intercom services, the company offers real estate owners turnkey solutions to facilitate management, but also increase their income and the value of their buildings.

“We are looking to find other optimizations that are equally profitable and easy for multi-dwelling owners and we have not yet found any,” immediately says the president and founder of Wifiplex, Jonathan Carrière. Stating that since the founding of the company in 2018, the internet service has been installed in 3,000 buildings and more than 40,000 homes across Quebec and Ontario.

A winning approach for owners, who improve their rental income and therefore increase the value of their multiple dwellings, but also for tenants, who find themselves paying less for their internet service than if they used one of the major known suppliers. Not to mention the speed of execution, since the internet service is accessible the same day as the installation.

“The tenant is given the keys to the apartment and has the wifi code directly. He does not have to call the company or wait a few days before having his internet connection. It is activated automatically, without wires passing through the bottom or top of the walls, explains Mr. Carrière. It's very simple, we do the installation once for all the units in the building and it's done. »

In addition, Wifiplex takes care of all technical support. The owner therefore has nothing to worry about in terms of management other than opening the doors of the building on the day of installation.

Security cameras are also among the services representing an asset within multi-dwellings. And this, both to secure tenants and allow the manager to have remote access at all times. “Rare owners live in their buildings. In most cases, they manage many doors and are not able to be on site as often as they would like.

Having a camera or two in common areas as well as outside the building makes life easier and increases the feeling of security, notes Jonathan Carrière. For package thefts or if anything happens on site, camera images are immediately accessible. »
Finally, the president of Wifiplex ends with a mention about the new intelligent intercoms. The archaic model on which you press a number and whose buzz is heard throughout the apartment is indeed from another era, he points out.

“In Quebec, we are very behind in terms of technology and particularly in multi-housing. The new device we are installing has a touch screen and is linked directly to smartphones. There is therefore no longer a key to enter the building. The Intercom recognizes the face and unlocks the door. Are you expecting a visitor? All you have to do is send it a QR code. Is your package on the way? Open to the remote delivery person. A tenant leaves their accommodation? The owner only has to deactivate his access and it is effective immediately, underlines Mr. Carrière. Managing your buildings in real time has never been easier. Then we have a trace of all the comings and goings in front of the Intercom in the management system. ».

Thus, other elements can be added to the internet network dedicated to multi-dwellings offered by Wifiplex and allow owners to make it even more profitable.
To find out more about Wifiplex services, go to the wifiplex.ca website.

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