Update of the CORPIQ Building Regulations


CORPIQ's Building Regulations, which aim to remind tenants of the rules of life and to protect landlords, has recently been updated.

Update of the CORPIQ Building Regulations

Several new clauses have been added, such as an energy and electricity usage clause, a more detailed clause concerning keys, locks, and alarm systems, a clause related to the death of a tenant, as well as a clause concerning birds and rodents.

It is important that our members use the most recent version available on our website, since in addition to the additions, most of the clauses have been updated to reflect recent rules and some clauses, now obsolete or irrelevant, have been completely removed.

We invite you to read this new document, available in French and English on www.corpiq.com, in your tools, and then by going to the Sample Letters and Forms. If you have any questions or comments, please do not hesitate to contact our Advisors.

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