Enhance the value of your rental units with Kangalou

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Want to know how to catch the eye of the right tenants? Of course, traditional listings are at the heart of the rental process, but in a market that is evolving and saturated with listings of all kinds, the influence of social networks is playing an increasingly important role in the search for a rental property.

Enhance the value of your rental units with Kangalou

List in a few clicks

Kangalou offers different tools that allow landlords to manage their rental properties more easily. In just a few clicks, you can add your properties and apartments and publish a listing for free; moreover, Kangalou allows you to create your listings only once (instead of having to recreate the same ad) since the system will save them for later use!


A valuable marketing tool

Kangalou allows you to enhance the value of your apartments through professional marketing. You'll have the opportunity to publish your listings for free with no limit on the number of photos, the length of the description of your home and its environment. You will also have the possibility to present a video or even create a personalized one that will be broadcasted on YouTube. Your home will also be displayed according to geolocation criteria, which will allow an efficient search for your potential tenants through the interactive map.


Forward-looking publishing options

In addition to offering the best means to reach the targeted clientele, Kangalou offers several advantageous options through its visibility packages! Kangalou's technological development over the past few years not only allows us to considerably increase the visibility of our listings compared to a traditional one, but also to target quality rental candidates.

By choosing the Le Social and La Star packages, your listings will automatically appear on social networks in the news feed of tenants looking for a place to rent. Your listing will be knocking on the door of tenants in your area without you having to do anything! These packages also allow you to appear as a sponsored post on one of the Best Apartments pages, the largest network of rental listings on Facebook.

Indeed, social networks are now playing an important role: tenants are searching, sharing, and exchanging with their community about their apartment discoveries. The reputation of the Best Apartments network attracts the trust of tenants. Renters know they'll find pre-screened apartments that highlight the unique features of your apartments for rent. With economic and social recovery on the horizon, and with rental demand on the rise, rely on a tool that is powerful and easy to use. Reach the best tenants in one click, it's possible with Kangalou!

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