Why You Should Provide Your Tenants With Internet

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If you could provide an indispensable service to your tenants that would allow them to save on their bills while significantly increasing the value of your building, would you do it? That's what Wifiplex, CORPIQ's partner and provider of internet solutions for landlords, proposes. Discover the 3 major advantages of offering this service to your tenants.

Why You Should Provide Your Tenants With Internet

Increase the value of your building and your return on investment

Adding a service to your building allows you to make additional monthly profits. The value of the building being partly based on this variable, you will increase it significantly. For example, a tenant paying $45, or more, per month for an additional service will generate approximately $10,000 in value over the entire building (depending on location, city, etc.). When refinancing, this represents a conservative $8,000 extra, or $80,000 if you offer the service to all tenants in a 10-unit building. For your information, Wifiplex offers a complete turnkey service for this type of building starting at $3,700!

Turn your building into an intelligent building

Offering internet to its tenants also offers the opportunity to make its building intelligent. Indeed, the network thus installed can be used to connect various equipment that will again add value to the building. For example, it will be possible to install connected security cameras that will offer peace of mind to your tenants.

With the constant development of home automation, entry consoles and connected objects, benefiting from a direct access to the internet network of your building becomes more and more advantageous.

More services for your tenants

If you ask your tenants, there is a good chance that all of them will pay for an internet package; however, the offers remain expensive or limited in terms of download power and usage capacity. By centralizing all these packages with the same provider, Wifiplex is able to offer advantageous costs that are inaccessible for individuals. Your tenants will no longer have to manage their account while benefiting from a reduction of their internet bill. This will increase their loyalty and facilitate the negotiation of the next rent adjustment. Adding the Internet to your rental offer also allows you to stand out from your competition, making it easier to rent your dwellings.

If you would like to know more about this service, CORPIQ encourages you to contact its partner Wifiplex, a specialist in Internet solutions. Their teams will be able to guide you through all the steps of your project, including managing the change with your tenants, the best way to include it in your leases to ensure an optimal return on investment, and much more.

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