Important notice to share with tenants about COVID-19
According to a survey conducted among our CORPIQ members, from April 6 to 8, 3% of landlords have at least one tenant with COVID-19. Among these landlords, some "believe so without being certain", while others have obtained confirmation.
No landlord would want an outbreak to occur in their building. That is why it is important to take appropriate measures to ensure that infected tenants cannot transmit the virus to others. CORPIQ has made available to its members a model letter and invites them to distribute it preventively to all tenants in order to inform them of the importance of respecting sanitary measures. This letter also asks people infected by COVID-19 to declare their state of health to the building manager so that measures can be put in place, while respecting confidentiality.
This letter should be distributed as much as possible by email but can also be distributed directly at the door or by mail.
Also, other CORPIQ recommendations have been published on the Q&A page on Binding provisions can be enforced against infected tenants who do not respect the quarantine imposed by the government.