Your ProprioEnquête® pre-Rental service remains accessible
Following the latest developments regarding the COVID-19 pandemic, CORPIQ maintains its activities and services to members such as ProprioLocation and ProprioEnquête, which remain accessible.
However, we were informed on Monday March 16th that the courthouses will open their doors for emergency purposes only. This forces us to momentarily modify ProprioEnquête's investigation packages because court docket searches are no longer available.
Consequently, members who had purchased a package from ProprioEnquete® including a docket search are advised that with the closing of the courts, civil and criminal docket files are currently not accessible. They will be able to see in their ProprioEnquête® account, 400 Points in reimbursement of fees for these two options.
For all new investigations, the prices of the ProprioEnquête® packages have been adjusted accordingly.
All of CORPIQ's teams are mobilized in order to accompany you as best as possible during this unprecedented period of pandemic and to keep you informed.